September 22, 2024

WHO says cervical cancer can be prevented and treated

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that although cervical cancer raises health concerns around the world, it can be prevented and treated.

In a statement released by WHO’s regional office on Thursday on the occasion of the Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action 2023, annually marked on November 17, it said that cervical cancer claims the lives of 300,000 women worldwide annually with 90% of instances and fatalities taking place in low- and middle-income countries.

At the regional level, cervical cancer is the 6th most common cancer in women in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. In 2020, an estimated 89,800 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer in the Region and more than 47,500 women died from the disease.

The statement affirmed that cervical cancer can be prevented and treated. When diagnosed, cervical cancer is one of the curable forms of cancer, if it is detected early and managed effectively. Cancers diagnosed in late stages can also be managed through appropriate treatment and palliative

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is one of the most effective and safe ways to prevent cervical cancer and should be available to girls everywhere, it added. HPV vaccine is recommended for all girls between 9-14 years to prevent cervical cancer later in their life. Vaccination can be given in 1 or 2 doses for younger age group from 9-14 years, and 2-3 doses for immunocompromised individuals.

In 2020, WHO Member States issued a strong mandate and made commitments to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem- for the first time, 194 countries resolved to eradicate a cancer. With a comprehensive approach to prevent, screen and treat, cervical cancer can be eliminated as a public health problem within a generation.

The Regional Elimination Strategy for the Eastern Mediterranean is adapted to the regional context, and sets out five strategic action areas: strengthening primary prevention by accelerating HPV vaccine introduction and improving coverage; improving cervical screening and
pre-cancer treatment; reducing the burden of suffering caused by cervical cancer by improving the availability of early diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care services; strengthening health systems to ensure integrated, efficient and equitable delivery of high-quality services across the vaccination, screening and treatment pillars, and appropriate and effective monitoring and evaluation systems; and lastly improving communication, advocacy and social mobilization to counter vaccine hesitancy, increase awareness of prevention and treatment, and improve acceptability of diagnosis. The last two strategic actions are two cross-cutting enablers highly relevant for the Region and are critical for improving the overall integration of health services and outcomes, while supporting the achievement of relevant health and development goals within the Region.

The world’s celebration of the 2023 Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action marks three years of global cooperation with survivors, leaders, a
nd advocates to eliminate cervical cancer.

Source: Jordan News Agency