September 25, 2024

Warm, dry weather continues across most regions until Sunday

Amman: Persistent warm and dry weather conditions are expected across most regions until Sunday, with temperatures forecast to exceed seasonal averages by approximately 10 to 12 degrees Celsius.

According to the latest report from the Jordan Meteorological Department, Thursday temperatures are set to rise significantly, resulting in relatively hot conditions over high mountainous areas and warmer temperatures elsewhere. Dusty conditions may prevail intermittently throughout the day, accompanied by the appearance of clouds at higher altitudes. Moderate-speed dry southeasterly winds are forecast, occasionally becoming active.

The impact of the hot and dry air mass currently affecting the region is expected to diminish by Friday. While temperatures will decrease, they are anticipated to remain above the usual norms for this time of year. Therefore, warm conditions will persist over mountainous regions, while it will be relatively hotter across other areas. Cloud cover is expected at medium and high altitudes,
with moderate northerly winds, occasionally becoming active and causing dust disturbances, especially in desert regions.

The weather outlook for Saturday and Sunday remains consistent, with warm conditions persisting over mountainous areas and relatively hot temperatures expected elsewhere.

In terms of temperatures, highs and lows today are expected to range between 36 – 21 degrees Celsius in East Amman, 34 – 19 in West Amman, 31 – 20 in the northern highlands, and 32 – 18 in the Sharah Highlands. Meanwhile, the northern Jordan Valley is expected to experience temperatures between 42 – 23, the southern Jordan Valley 43 – 26, the Dead Sea 42 – 25, and the Gulf of Aqaba 42 – 26 degrees Celsius.

Source: Jordan News Agency