September 19, 2024

US Senate approves military aid for Ukraine, Israeli occupation

The U.S. Senate passed a USD 95 billion aid package that includes military assistance for Ukraine and support for Israeli occupation, alongside humanitarian aid for Gaza and other parts of the world.

The senate voted on Tuesday with a majority of 79 votes in favor and 18 against the package, following months of waiting and political disagreements, particularly among the Republicans, some of whom opposed sending new American funds to Kyiv.

This package includes more than USD 26 billion assistance to Israeli occupation, and USD nine billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza as well as conflicted regions like Sudan and Haiti.

It also includes USD 61 billion allocated for Ukraine, currently engaged in a war with Russia since late February 2022, as other aid designated for securing allies in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions.

On another note, this package contains a provision that might result in the ban of the TikTok app in the United States if its Chinese owning company refuses to sell it to other owners.

sident Joe Biden wasted no time in welcoming the passage of this package, confirming that he will sign it on Wednesday.

In a statement, Biden described the passage of the aid package as “responding to the call of history at this critical inflection point.” He emphasized that Congress had passed legislation to enhance national security and send a message to the world about the strength of American leadership.

In his statement, he added that the message underscores the United States’ firm stance in support of democracy and freedom, and against tyranny and oppression.

The House of Representatives approved last Saturday, the passage of this package, amidst American efforts to expedite the delivery of military aid to the Israeli occupation.

This comes in the wake of Iran’s recent attack in response to the bombing of its consulate in Damascus by Israel occupation.

Over the past few months, political disagreements within Congress have prevented the passage of this aid package, meanwhile, the White House continu
ed to urge for its passage as Russian forces make steady advances at the expense of Ukrainian forces.

In October, Biden asked Congress for more than USD 100 billion, which included USD 61 billion in aid for Ukraine, as well as military assistance for the Israeli occupation, humanitarian aid for Gaza, and security assistance for allies in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions.

Source: Kuwait News Agency