September 20, 2024

UNRWA: Israel seeks to liquidate us along with the Palestinian cause

Today, Saturday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) accused Israeli leaders of trying to liquidate it in preparation for liquidating the Palestinian refugee issue, considering UNRWA a protective framework for that issue, liquidating the two-state solution and the political process in general.

The agency confirmed that “Israel’s recent escalation of its campaign against the agency aims to eliminate us and liquidate the Palestinian refugee issue,” stressing that it “will not vacate its headquarters in al-Quds.”

For his part, UNRWA spokesman Adnan Abu Hasna said in press statements, ‘Israel’s designation of UNRWA as a terrorist organization is a dangerous development that indicates dangerous intentions related to stopping the agency’s work in Gaza, the West Bank and al-Quds,’ pointing out that ‘never before in the history of the United Nations has a United Nations organization is classified as a terrorist organization.

He added, “In the past, there were continuous atte
mpts to attack UNRWA and bring charges against it, but this time Israel’s campaign against it took on different dimensions related to the future of the agency’s operations.”

Abu Hasna stressed, “We will not vacate our headquarters in al-Quds. We have been working there since 1950, and there is an agreement signed with Israel in 1967 that stipulates that the agency is allowed to work in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Quds, enjoy immunity, and facilitate its operations there.”

The Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, had previously called on Israel to stop its campaign against the agency, stressing that the world must take action to hold the perpetrators of the attacks on the agency and its employees accountable.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency