September 23, 2024

Underprivileged households receive 150 aid parcels in Karak

Amman: The Charity Campaign, implemented by the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), delivered 50 food parcels to underprivileged families and 100 school bags to school students in the southern city of Karak.

According to a campaign statement, the aid came within the framework of the campaign’s programs and initiatives aimed at helping women-headed impoverished households, who suffer from difficult living and economic conditions.

The statement added that this assistance also contributes to national efforts aimed at improving the living conditions of the target groups, especially in areas classified as the Kingdom’s poverty pockets.

The in-kind aid comes within the framework of the charitable programs and various interventions and its goals in combating poverty and empowering families and individuals to achieve self-reliance, the statement pointed out.

Source: Jordan News Agency