September 20, 2024

Under Libyan mediation, Sudan agrees to indirect negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces.

Tripoli: Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Al-Sadiq Ali, affiliated with the Sovereignty Council headed by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the Sudanese authorities have agreed to conduct indirect negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces, mediated by Libya and Turkey. .

The Russian “Sputnik” agency quoted Minister “Al-Sadiq” as saying, “We are still adhering to the necessity of finding a peaceful solution through negotiations, but at the same time, we stress that any solution must be based on the ‘Jeddah Platform,’ and we will implement it and then we can move forward.”

He added, ‘We are based on our conviction of the necessity of holding negotiations, which we agreed to immediately through the Libyan initiative, and it is expected that indirect negotiations will be held through the mediation of Libya and Turkey.’

The Sudanese Foreign Minister indicated that “the agreement, which was reached in May 2023, through the ‘Jeddah Platform,'” includes the withdrawal of the R
apid Support Forces from civilian homes and government institutions, and the evacuation of the capital, Khartoum, of all armed elements. However, the Rapid Support Forces did not adhere to the terms of this agreement,’ according to the Russian agency.

Last week, the Government of National Unity announced through its spokesman, Mohamed Hamouda, that Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dabaiba met with Al-Burhan and Hemedti in the capital, Tripoli, in order to communicate and listen directly, with the aim of Libya’s contribution to supporting a solution between the conflicting parties in the conflict. This stems from the historical relationship between the two peoples, as well as the bonds of brotherhood, and that the security of Sudan is the security of Libya and vice versa, according to the Arab World News Agency.

Source: Libyan News Agency