September 20, 2024

UK, France call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron agreed Thursday on the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza along with the release of all hostages, unfettered access to humanitarian aid. In a joint press statement following their meeting today at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire in England on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, the two leaders also underscored the importance of upholding international law, and progressing towards establishing a Palestinian State living in peace and security alongside a safe and secure Israel.

They also agree on the importance of maintaining stability and security in the wider region.

“As fellow members of the G7, G20, NATO and permanent members of the UN Security Council, the UK and France will continue to work together to provide global leadership in an era of renewed geopolitical instability,” the two leaders vowed.

“They are committed to continuing to invest in the European Political Community format to bring together Euro
pe’s democracies and contribute to regional stability and security through political dialogue and concrete cooperation.” They empathized that France and the UK will pursue their cooperation across the full spectrum of the relationship, at both a bilateral and at a global level.

“This will include through a focus on sustainable economic growth, international development, energy security and driving low carbon solutions to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. They will embrace the opportunities presented by supporting the clean energy transition, reform of the international financial system and responsible use of Artificial Intelligence,” they said.

They also reaffirm their countries’ deep commitment to Europe’s defense and security.

“This includes their steadfast support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s illegal war of aggression, for as long as it takes, and for Ukraine’s irreversible path to NATO membership,” they added.

“Fourteen years on from the Lancaster House Treaty, the UK and France
share the ambition to reinvigorate their defense cooperation to reflect the complex challenges of the modern era and the range of threats from hostile state and non-state actors to our shared values and interests.” The UK Prime Minister and French President expressed their condolences for the victims of the tragic events in the channel yesterday and last week.

They committed to strengthening their cooperation on irregular migration and the fight against criminal gangs responsible for this tragic loss of life through small boat crossings. The UK Prime Minister presented the UK’s new Border Security Command and the vital role it will play in this mission.

Source: Kuwait News Agency