Mr. President,

Globalization is one of the most important tools that has accelerated transactions among member states, contributed to improving cooperation frameworks between them, achieving consensus on a number of issues, and monitoring and facing challenges. In the context of globalization, the “Sustainable Development Goals” can be seen as a result of the international community’s efforts to address the challenges it faces.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its negative consequences, especially on the economic sector, have shown the world’s interconnectedness. On the other hand, at present we are all witnessing crises in the rise in the prices of basic products, along with inflation, which came as a result of the current political crises that afflict the international community from wars and conflicts that undermine international efforts to achieve prosperity.

My country has taken initiative to provide humanitarian assistance without regard for political, religious, or ethnic considerations. The UAE stresses the importance of the international community’s solidarity to support developing countries and enhance their gains, especially in light of the current circumstances.

Mr. President,

The UAE is one of the most important international commercial, economic, and tourist stations. More than 200 different nationalities reside in the UAE, living in an environment in which security, tolerance, peace, and law prevail. The UAE has made commitments for the next 50 years, including the 10 principles, which serve as a reference for all of the country’s institutions to strengthen the pillars of the Union, build a sustainable economy, and harness all resources for a more prosperous society. These important goals for the UAE’s future are based on several pillars, including:

First, my country is keen to firmly support the multilateral trading system. The UAE is a member of a number of international organizations concerned with facilitating international trade affairs, such as the World Trade Organization, the World Customs Organization, and the World Tourism Organization. My country also joined the Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation—an initiative of the World Trade Organization that builds on the current regulations in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)—and looks forward to increasing the transparency of services regulations in addition to clarifying and increasing consistency in licensing and other procedures.

Secondly, we work to develop the system for the protection of intellectual property rights as an essential pillar to support innovation and creativity at the individual and institutional levels within society and achieve sustainable economic development, thus contributing to the comprehensive and qualitative development of intellectual property legislation and laws.

Thirdly, my country emphasises that to achieve successful digital transformation worldwide, it is necessary to bridge the digital divide facing developing countries, as it represents a fundamental challenge for any comprehensive digital transformation initiative. Therefore, the necessary support must be provided to developing countries to eradicate digital illiteracy. The report of the Secretary-General on a “Roadmap for Digital Cooperation” is an important document to work towards this goal. The UAE chaired the “digital cooperation architecture” discussion team, where we highlighted the importance of developing countries participating and raising their voices in discussions on bridging the digital divide.

Mr. President,

Finally, the UAE would like to emphasize the importance of strengthening international collective action, unifying efforts, and joining hands to meet all of the challenges facing the international community. The UAE firmly believes in the importance of international interdependence and teamwork towards achieving sustainable green development that provides a decent life for all of our peoples.

Source: UAE Mission to UN