September 20, 2024

UAE has exceptional infrastructure capable of supporting creativity, empowering talent: Salem Al Qassimi

DUBAI: Sheikh Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi, Minister of Culture, said the UAE has an exceptional cultural infrastructure that supports creativity and empowers talent.

The statement was made at a session titled ‘The Future of Creative Industries: How Can Governments Harness Talent?’ on Day 1 of the World Governments Summit (WGS) 2024, which runs in Dubai until February 14th under the theme ‘Shaping Future Governments’. The session was joined by Dustee Jenkins, Chief Public Affairs Officer, and moderated by Mina Al-Oraibi, Editor-in-Chief of The National.

‘If I try, I cannot name all the cultural institutions and those focused on nurturing creativity and talent in the UAE. They are so many and so diverse, following a systemic policy that aims to attract, integrate and support talent.’ Sheikh Al Qassimi said.

‘Flexibility is key when looking into collaboration between the public and private sectors, as it helps realize common goals of providing all available resources in support of creative talents, who, more
than financial support, need policies that open doors and eliminate obstacles to their work,’ he added.

Dustee Jenkins said, ‘Many feel worried when algorithms are mentioned, but we should look at them as a new technology that was created to help people, not vice versa. Why let algorithms dictate what content we watch, when we can control our preferences with the help of algorithms.

‘Establishing Spotify presented a major challenge: Why would people pay money to get a service they used to get for free? The founders, however, set their eyes on a very important goal that motivated them: To support creative people and ensure their material and intellectual rights.’

‘We continue our work globally to empower creatives and put them on the right path, in collaboration with governments who should eliminate obstacles and help us fulfil this objective,’ she concluded.

The World Governments Summit 2024 focuses on six main themes, namely: Government Acceleration and Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and The Nex
t Frontiers, Reimagining Development and Future Economies, Future Societies and Education, Sustainability and The New Global Shifts, and Urbanisation and Global Health Priorities.

Source: Emirates News Agency