September 20, 2024


Thank you, Madame President.

I’d like to start by thanking the United Kingdom as penholder for its tireless efforts in facilitating the negotiations around this important resolution.

The UAE welcomes the adoption of this resolution, which is focused on neutralizing the threat posed by Al-Shabaab, primarily through targeted sanctions. In doing so, this Council unequivocally condemns Al-Shabaab’s terrorist activities, which, as we all agree, continue to pose a serious threat to peace and security in Somalia and the broader region.

The UAE would like to commend the efforts and progress made by the Government of Somalia on weapons and ammunition management, on developing the country’s security forces, and on countering Al-Shabaab. Now, more than ever before, Somalia needs renewed international support, as it continues to demonstrate a willingness to implement key reforms needed to secure a prosperous future for its people.

The challenges faced by Somalia are complex. Therefore, it is critical to enable the government of Somalia to respond effectively to these evolving security threats. The UAE believes sanctions should consider the needs and the changing environment on the ground. The Council should continuously review its sanctions and remain open to further easing restrictions.

Before I conclude, I’d like to stress a critical aspect that must be part of any discussion we have on countering terrorism, the importance of not linking terrorism to religion. We welcome the inclusion of a paragraph jointly put forward by the UAE and the A3 which condemns terrorist groups’ attempts to craft distorted narratives based on the misinterpretation and misrepresentation of religion. The Council has said it before and needs to continue saying it: terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group.

In conclusion, Madame President, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the UAE’s commitment to supporting peace and stability in Somalia.

Thank you.

Source: UAE Mission to UN