Two people arrested for writing “Tribally wanted” on a shop east of Baghdad

Baghdad Operations Command announced today, Sunday, the arrest of two people who wrote the phrase (Tribally wanted) on the wall of a shop east of the capital, Baghdad.

A statement by the operations stated that “a force from the Fifth Federal Police Division was able to arrest two defendants according to Article (4/2 of Terrorism), who wrote the phrase (Tribally wanted) on the wall of a shop east of Baghdad, after intelligence information was received and immediately a working team was formed and moved to the intended location and verified the matter and followed up on the surveillance cameras. The identity of the two defendants who wrote the aforementioned threat was revealed, and then they were arrested and (a vehicle and a tik-tok) were seized in their possession in Al-Shaab area next to Al-Rusafa.”

Baghdad Operations confirmed that it will deal “firmly with anyone who commits this act and will be held accountable as someone who commits a terrorist act according to Article 4/2 for terrorizing of Residenti
al Neighborhoods.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency