Turkish official: Those who dare to threaten Turkey and its President Erdogan must bear responsibility for what will happen to them

The head of the Communications Department of the Turkish Presidency / Fahrettin Altun / warned Israel and its officials against launching threats against Turkey and its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, stressing that “those who dare to launch threats against Turkey and President Erdogan, bear responsibility for what will happen to them.”

Altun said in a post on the X platform, today, Monday, in response to the statements of some Israeli officials targeting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkey: Those who dare to threaten the president who devoted his life to the struggle against injustice and oppression “must bear responsibility for what will happen to them.”

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz had published on his social media account, yesterday evening, Sunday, what contained slander targeting the Turkish president.

Altun said that President Erdogan spent his life “fighting injustice, and always stood firmly and dignifiedly on the side of the oppressed and persecuted against the oppressors.”

ltun added in his post: “The Israeli government and its members are directly involved in the ongoing genocide in Palestine, and have already been condemned in the eyes of world public opinion,” stressing the need for Israel to stop the genocide in the Gaza Strip and accept a Palestinian state, if it wants lasting peace and security.

The Head of the Turkish Presidency’s Communications Department explained that the condemnation of Israeli officials involved in the genocide against the Palestinians in international courts is only a matter of time, stressing that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government “is clearly and explicitly committing the crime of genocide, while his government members express their desire to continue this crime through their speeches and practices.”

The Turkish official stated that the supporters of the Israeli government should feel ashamed and embarrassed of themselves, given that their support legitimizes and facilitates Israel’s “ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinians, and pushe
s it to commit more “horrific crimes.”

Altun continued: “Those who applaud Netanyahu relentlessly in Western capitals are pushing our region into greater chaos,” adding: “Our message to Israel is clear: if you want lasting peace and security, you must stop the genocide and accept the sovereignty of Palestine.” Altun stressed that Israel’s attempts to cover up its crimes by attacking President Erdogan and Turkey “will not work,” stressing that Turkey will continue to stand by Palestine and support it, and will not allow anyone to teach it lessons or dare to issue threats against it.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency