September 20, 2024

Today’s Newspapers follow Barzani’s visit to Baghdad and the Iraqi Arab Media Forum at the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate

Newspapers published in Baghdad today, Thursday, the fourth of July, focused on the visit of the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, to Baghdad, and the Iraqi Arab Media Forum, which was organized by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, on the challenges of the Arab media and other issues.

Al-Sabah newspaper, which is published by the Iraqi Media Network, focused on Masoud Barzani’s visit to Baghdad and his meeting with Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani.

The newspaper indicated that al-Sudani received Masoud Barzani and the delegation accompanying him, and they reviewed a number of topics at the national level, the progress of the government’s implementation of its service, economic and reform program, and ways to proceed in completing the institutional building of the state, in accordance with the constitution and the law, and establishing more organization in the administrative and executive files between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, in variou
s fields and files.

It quoted Al-Sudani as saying in a joint press statement with Barzani: ‘The visit of Democratic Party Chairman Masoud Barzani to Baghdad is important,’ indicating that ‘a constructive and purposeful dialogue was held regarding various internal issues and regional situations.’

Al-Sudani added: ‘We have come an important way in building confidence between the federal government and the region and have overcome the inherited problems.’

Barzani was quoted as saying: ‘My visit to Baghdad aims to strengthen the efforts made by the Prime Minister and led to a real breakthrough between the federal government and the region.’

He added: “Our dialogue is constructive regarding the internal and regional situations, and our views were identical.”

As for Al-Zawraa newspaper, which is published by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, it focused on the challenges of the Arab media at the Iraqi-Arab Media Forum.

The newspaper said: ‘Under the patronage of the President of the Federation of Arab Journalis
ts, Head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami, the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate held, at its headquarters in Baghdad, the Iraqi Arab Media Forum on the challenges of the Arab media in light of the digital transformation and the AI revolution.’

It added: ‘The forum was held in the presence of an elite group of Arab media representatives, including the former Lebanese Minister of Information, George Qardahi, the journalist Saeed Shabib, the journalists Rabaa Al-Zayat and Bossi Shalabi, and the Syrian star Nisreen Tafesh.’

Al-Zawraa quoted the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, head of the Arab Journalists Federation, Muayyad Al-Lami, as saying in a speech during the forum: ‘We welcome the attendees to the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, this Syndicate that celebrated the National Day of the Iraqi Press a few days ago and in which there were joyful celebrations and a large official celebration, as well as other celebrations, and today we continue this journey through the presence of the First
Lady Magazine, to hold a qualitative, scientific and cultural symposium on digital transformation and the development of artificial intelligence, because we are facing a major digital development and transformation and also the development of artificial intelligence, in which perhaps more than 90 % of the people do not know what intelligence developments are. And what is the artificial matter and how to deal with it.

Al-Lami added: ‘This symposium is useful to everyone who reads it and everyone thinks of a way to serve his country and society through artificial intelligence.’

The newspaper noted that the symposium witnessed a honor to a number of journalists and media professionals by the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency