September 19, 2024

Today’s newspapers focus on PM’s participation in the World Economic Forum and his meetings with leaders and representatives of major companies

Newspapers published in Baghdad today, Monday, April 29, focused on the participation of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in the World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia and his meetings with leaders of countries and representatives of major international companies.

Al-Sabah newspaper, which is published by the Iraqi Media Network, published an article by the writer Ahmed Abdel Hussein, under the title ‘al-Sudani in al-Riyadh Forum’, stated that: ‘Iraq’s participation in the World Economic Forum, which was held yesterday in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, is an important progress in terms of expanding Iraq’s participation in the world events after long decades of absence and disappearance.’

He added: “The features of this return can be drawn in the steps taken by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani during the past two weeks, the most recent of which is consolidating the partnership with America during his visit to Washington, which was immediately followed by the signing of a strategic partnership with Tu
rkey during the Turkish President’s visit to Baghdad.”

The article continued: ‘The economics section is the broadest for those who want healthy, fruitful relations, and for those who want to fold the old system of alliances that has placed the country in a critical corner that has kept it at a long time from optimally exploiting its wealth, and also kept it from investing its political and economic presence in imposing itself as a player of great importance in its region and the world.’

He pointed out: ‘The forum is examining ways to achieve economic growth and invest energy for development, and for this reason Iraq is concerned with it, perhaps more than other countries, because our real bet is how to manage the wheel of development by investing in our natural wealth, which is oil, which is the mainstay of our economy. And because the conference came directly after the strong boost that the development road project al-Sudani -Erdogan’s meeting in Baghdad.’

Al-Zawraa newspaper, published by the Iraqi Journ
alists Syndicate, referred, in the context of its follow-up of PM’s participation in the World Economic Forum, to his meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

It stated, quoting a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, that during the meeting they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, the importance of consolidating them, and reviewing the files of joint cooperation and its growth within the work of the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council, which resulted in several understandings in various fields, noting: ‘al-Sudani expressed Iraq’s aspiration for broader economic cooperation with the Kingdom, which contributes to enhancing growth and provides new opportunities in various economic fields, which reflects the interests of the two brotherly countries and the prosperity of their people.

It also followed the meeting with the Prime Minister and Emir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, and they discussed bilateral relations and ways to develop and adv
ance them, for the benefit of the two brotherly peoples, by investing in the historical and social neighborhood that links Iraq and Kuwait, and emphasizing the importance of maintaining good-neighborly relations and exchange mutual respect, in addition to their discussion of the latest developments in the region, especially what is happening in the Gaza Strip in terms of the ongoing Zionist aggression that has caused thousands of martyrs and wounded, and the importance of taking a unified Arab position in order to end the tragedies of the Palestinian people.’

Al-Zawraa indicated that Al-Sudani received, at his residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, the CEO of Vertical Future, which specializes in agricultural technology and vertical farming, Jimmy Burrows, on the sidelines of his participation in the World Economic Forum.

He was quoted as saying: ‘Agriculture constitutes a priority in the government program, and the government has taken several measures and steps to develop the agricultural sector and intr
oduce modern methods in agriculture and irrigation, in addition to supporting farmers and the private sector concerned with agriculture, which represents one of the pillars of the Iraqi economy.’

In another matter, Al-Zaman newspaper followed the procedures of the Ministry of Water Resources to enhance the water situation and confront its challenges.

In this regard, it quoted the Minister of Water Resources, Aoun Dhiyab, as saying at the Fourth Baghdad International Water Conference: ‘The Ministry is currently focusing on sustaining water and distributing it fairly, within the framework of addressing the challenges facing this file, in conjunction with the effects of climate change on Iraq.’

He confirmed that a number of measures had been taken to communicate with neighboring countries regarding the water issue, indicating: ‘Iraq needs to strengthen communication with neighboring countries to address the water crisis.’

He added: ‘Limited water resources constitute a major challenge, and Iraq is one of the
countries most affected by climate change due to the lack of green spaces and increasing desertification,’ stressing: ‘The Ministry has focused its attention on developing water management in accordance with the government program, ensuring its sustainability and fair distribution among all beneficiaries.’ he added ‘This will achieve a sufficient degree of safety and stability for all areas located on the banks of Tigris and Euphrates rivers.’

The minister pointed out: ‘The water situation requires making great efforts to find appropriate solutions and alternatives to confront these challenges, the most prominent of which is that most of the water sources come from outside the borders. Therefore, the ministry has taken a number of measures to find effective solutions that meet the interests of the parties located on the Tigris and Euphrates basins,’ stressing: ‘Iraq needs international support, whether from governmental institutions or international, and Arab organizations, to support its steps in putting an
end to the shortage of water resources.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency