September 21, 2024

Three-quarters of Gazans drink polluted water, says UNRWANew Fulbright opportunities in disability studies for Egyptians

Amman: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said on Sunday that the rapid deterioration of the situation in Gaza is unprecedented, especially the spread of infectious diseases due to water pollution.

“3 out of 4 people in Gaza drink from polluted water sources, which exacerbates the spread of infectious diseases that are spreading at a high rate among the population,” the UNRWA said Sunday in a statement

Source: Jordan News Agency

The Educational and Cultural Exchange Authority between Egypt and the United States (Fulbright Commission) held a board meeting on Sunday, chaired by Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ayman Ashour.

The meeting saw the announcement of significant new initiatives.

The Fulbright Commission unveiled a new program offering fully-funded scholarships for master’s degrees, doctoral research, and post-doctoral research in disability studies.

This initiative aligns with the Commission’s ongoing ‘inclusion and accessibility’ project, which has already seen a rise in applications from individuals with disabilities.

Dr Maggie Nassif, Executive Director of the Fulbright Commission, also announced an increase in the number of scholarships available to Egyptian professors and researchers for study in the United States across all fields.

The board approved supporting Egyptian researchers to conduct research in the US under the guidance of American mentors, enabling collaboration between Egypti
an and American universities for doctoral student supervision and providing grants for Egyptian students and professionals to pursue technical, applied, and professional studies at US community colleges.

The Commission plans to host 40 American professors and experts in various fields to collaborate with Egyptian counterparts on major projects at universities, research centers, and other institutions.

Ashour emphasised the importance of education and research in driving sustainable development and meeting societal needs.

He commended the new initiatives, saying they will ‘further strengthen the academic and cultural exchange between Egypt and the United States’.

Source: State Information Service Egypt