September 20, 2024

The Turkish judiciary issues a life sentence to the perpetrator of the Istiklal Street bombing in Istanbul

The Turkish judiciary issued today, Friday, a life imprisonment sentence against Ahlam Al-Bashir, the perpetrator of the bombing on Istiklal Street in Istanbul on November 13, 2022.

The ruling was pronounced during the criminal court session in Istanbul, which was attended by 5 out of 36 defendants, including Ahlam al-Bashir, who carried out the bombing on instructions from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, according to her confessions.

The court charged the defendants with violating the unity of the state and its territorial integrity, and premeditated murder by intentional bombing. The court sentenced the perpetrator of the bombing, Ahlam Al-Bashir, to 7 life imprisonment, in addition to imposing a fine of 22,000 Turkish liras (about 675 dollars).

The bombing occurred on Istiklal Street in central Istanbul on November 13, 2022, killing 6 civilians and wounding 99 others.

During the Turkish security investigation, the perpetrator of the bombing, Ahlam al-Bashir, admitted that she belonged to the PKK/Kurdist
an Workers’ Party and that she had carried out the terrorist bombing on his instructions.

The Turkish intelligence service was able to kill the planner of the bombing, Khalil Manji, a member of the PKK, through a security operation carried out in northern Syria in February of last year.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency