The Turkish Defense Ministry announces the killing of 6 militants from the banned Workers’ Party (PKK) in airstrikes in northern Iraq

The Turkish Defense Ministry announced the killing of 6 militants from the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in airstrikes carried out by Turkish warplanes in northern Iraq.

The Turkish Defense Ministry stated in a statement today, Tuesday, that one of the Turkish army units stationed in the Claw Lock Operations area in northern Iraq had monitored a gathering of militants from the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in a rugged mountainous area, which required the use of warplanes. Their raids on that area resulted in the killing of 6 of them and the withdrawal of the others.

In its statement, it indicated that the banned Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has its stronghold in the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq, and is active in many cities, regions and valleys, launching attacks on the Turkish interior from there, and that the Turkish army is working hard to dry up the sources of terrorism.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency