September 20, 2024

The Security Council renews its support for the inclusive political process under Libyan leadership and ownership, and completing the course of holding free elections in the country.

The members of the UN Security Council renewed their strong commitment to an inclusive political process led and owned by the Libyans and facilitated by the United Nations, which builds on the progress made in the negotiations and addresses issues of who will rule the country through elections.

In a press statement yesterday, Wednesday, the members of the Council affirmed the Council’s support for the UN envoy, “Batili”, especially his role in mediation and good offices to strengthen the inclusive political process in line with the relevant Security Council resolutions, and based on the Libyan political agreement and the road map for the Political Dialogue Forum and the progress made in the negotiations of the preparation committee Election laws «6 + 6» aiming to develop applicable electoral laws.

The statement urged all concerned parties to address their differences through dialogue in a spirit of compromise, to reach agreement on politically contested issues related to the elections and to participate fully, transparently and in good faith with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Libyan-led negotiations facilitated by UNSMIL.

Council members renewed their call for all stakeholders to support guarantees related to the independence and integrity of the inclusive electoral process and election results, while stressing the importance of providing a safe environment for civil society organizations to operate freely and protecting them from threats and reprisals. We call on the Libyan parties to support the efforts of “Batili” and to overcome the differences related to the elections.

In their statement, which was published on the United Nations News Facebook site, the members of the Council expressed their grave concern over the recent clash that took place in the capital, Tripoli, and urged all parties to refrain from any acts of violence or incitement to violence, to ensure the protection of civilians, to comply with their obligations under international law, and to preserve gains. security achieved in recent years.

The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of conducting an inclusive reconciliation process based on the principles of transitional justice and accountability, and welcomed the efforts of the Presidential Council to launch the national reconciliation process with the support of the African Union.

The members of the Council praised the efforts of the Supreme Finance Committee for Revenue Management, and referred to the announcement aimed at strengthening the unification of the Central Bank of Libya, and the Security Council renewed its determination to ensure that the assets frozen in accordance with Resolution No. 1970 issued in 2011 are available at a later stage for the benefit of the Libyan people.

The members of the Council called on all parties to adhere to the ceasefire agreement signed on October 23, 2020, and to accelerate the full implementation of its provisions, including the action plan approved by the “5 + 5” committee in Geneva on October 8, 2021, which is to be implemented in a comprehensive manner. Synchronous, phased, progressive and balanced.

In this context, the statement urged respect for and support for the full implementation of the agreement, including through the withdrawal of all foreign forces, foreign fighters, and mercenaries from Libya without further delay, and stressed the need to establish an inclusive, unified, and accountable security structure with civilian leadership.

The statement warned individuals or entities who threaten peace, stability or security in Libya, or obstruct or undermine the successful completion of the political transition process, including by obstructing or undermining the elections, may be included in the Security Council sanctions lists, concluding their statement by affirming their commitment to Libya’s sovereignty and independence. territorial integrity and national unity.

Source: Libyan News Agency