September 19, 2024

The SDF dismantled an ISIS cell that smuggles the ISIS members from the Iraqi borders

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced the dismantling of a “terrorist” cell affiliated with ISIS responsible for smuggling ISIS members from the Iraqi border, while a member of the cell was killed during the operation in the southern countryside of Hasakah.

The SDF said in a statement that its “commandos” carried out a security operation “aimed at dismantling a terrorist cell,” indicating that the operation “was carried out after collecting accurate information about the cell’s movement and following up its terrorist activities.”

It explained that the operation took place in the town of Dashisha, which is affiliated with the city of Shadada, in the southern countryside of Hasakah, where its forces surrounded the location of the terrorist cell, and were able to arrest two terrorists.

The Syrian Democratic Forces indicated that the Cell “was active in smuggling terrorist elements from the Iraqi borders and the areas occupied by Turkey in northern Syria, targeting members of the security forces and civilians working in the Autonomous Administration institutions.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency