The Presidential Committee for Civil Peace meets with the Chief Prosecutor of Hebron

Hebron – Together – With the aim of strengthening civil peace and communicating with institutions, the Presidential Committee for Civil Peace, headed by the leader of the Fatah movement, Lafi Ghaith, and members of the committee, former minister Dr. Anwar Abu Aisha, the economic advisor and member of the Board of Directors of the Hebron Chamber, Ahmed Hassouna, and the journalist Muhammad Al-Awewi, held a meeting. On Thursday, with the Chief Prosecutor of Hebron, Mr. Majdi Rabi, in the presence of the Chief Prosecutor, Munther Al-Zughair.

Ghaith praised the efforts made by the Public Prosecution in moving and filing cases, following up on citizens’ rights, and their diligent and continuous work despite the difficult economic conditions and security complexities of Hebron Governorate in particular and the country in general.

He spoke about many issues related to civil peace, and the importance of completing the files of crimes that occur by arresting those involved and suspected of carrying out these crimes,
including murder and trafficking in prohibited materials, stressing that this will contribute to achieving justice, stopping bloodshed, and preserving civil peace.

For his part, Counselor Hassouna spoke about the issues of bounced checks, their negative impact on economic life, the economic crimes committed and the role of the Public Prosecution in enhancing economic and social security, and its impact on security stability, which will encourage businessmen to open new economic establishments and set the wheel in motion. Economic.

Dr. Abu Aisha also spoke about a number of laws established by the legislator that guarantee the preservation of rights, and the pioneering role played by the Public Prosecution, noting the necessity of amending some regulations and instructions that obstruct the progress of litigation and facilitating legal matters for citizens, praising at the same time the members of the Public Prosecution. He expressed his pride in them, especially since some of them had studied under him at t
he Faculty of Law at Al-Quds University.

For his part, Mr. Rabi thanked the Presidential Committee for Civil Peace for their complementary role to the role of the Public Prosecution in many cases, stressing that the Public Prosecution will take into account the issues that were raised during the meeting, and stressing that it will continue its work to achieve justice and nothing will stop it in its path. Make it happen.

Source: Maan News Agency