The Popular Front denies issuing calls to demonstrate and besiege the Egyptian embassy in Ramallah

Ramallah – Together – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denied in its entirety any connection to the call that was circulated on social media sites from unknown parties to which it has no connection to ‘demonstrate and besiege the Egyptian embassy’ in Ramallah on Sunday 4/7/2024.

The Front stressed in a press statement the importance of Egypt’s role in “helping the Palestinian people, in order to stop the aggression against our people and heal their wounds.”

The Front called on everyone to obtain positions and activities related to the Front from the official Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine channels, stressing ‘the need for everyone to come together and unite in confronting the Israeli war of annihilation on the Gaza Strip and exposing the ongoing American and Western complicity.’

Source: Maan News Agency