The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation Affirms Its Rejection Of Calls To Displace The Population Of The Gaza And Calls For An Immediate Cessation Of The Aggression

Baghdad – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation confirmed today, Thursday, its rejection of calls to displace the residents of the Gaza Strip, calling for an immediate cessation of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.

In the final statement issued by the extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee at the level of foreign ministers of the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, at the headquarters of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, to discuss the continuing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, especially the Gaza Strip, it stressed: the necessity of immediately stopping the barbaric aggression of the forces of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and the immediate lifting of the siege imposed on the Strip,” stressing “the rejection of calls to displace the residents of the Gaza Strip, and the emphasis on supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land.”

The attendees affirmed their “strong condemnation of the unprecedented aggression against civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip and the entire occupied Palestinian territory, including killing, bombing, and deliberate destruction of infrastructure, and its threat to commit atrocities and genocide against them, and their absolute rejection of targeting civilians under any pretext.”

The attendees called on all countries and the international community to “urgently provide urgent humanitarian, medical and relief aid, provide water and electricity, and immediately open safe humanitarian corridors to deliver urgent aid to the Gaza Strip, including through United Nations organizations, especially the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

They warned of “the danger of continuing the policy of deliberate targeting of civilians and collective punishment, accompanied by policies of starvation and water deprivation, and the cessation of the only power plant in the Gaza Strip from operating due to the prevention of access to fuel. It also portends a real disaster for all health and humanitarian services, in contradiction to international humanitarian law and amounting to limit the commission of international crimes, including crimes against humanity.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency