September 25, 2024

The Minister of Interior stresses the importance of developing capabilities and supporting media work

The Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, stressed the importance of developing capabilities and supporting media work.

The Ministry stated in a statement: ‘Today, the Minister chaired a meeting that included the Director of the Relations and Media Department, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, and media directors in agencies, leaderships, directorates, and departments of relations in all parts and units of the Ministry.’

The Minister stressed the importance of media work, organizing it, and updating plans in a way that contributes to conveying to public opinion the true picture of the work of the Ministry of Interior, stressing the establishment of modern, advanced mechanisms, since the media is an important aspect of security and service work and must be in accordance with the correct visions and give a real opportunity for its workers to demonstrate their excellence and develop their capabilities, and this is achieved through continuous training courses.

The Minister listened t
o a brief explanation by the Director of the Relations and Media Department about the department’s annual plan and the most important projects for the remainder of the current year.

For his part, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Interior presented a number of topics that would develop media work.

The Minister listened to a group of extensive interventions and discussions from the attendees and made a set of recommendations to improve the work of relations and media in general in all departments of the Ministry.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency