September 20, 2024

The Islamic Dawa Party condemns the massacre of Al-Mawasi camp in Khan Yunis, Gaza

The Islamic Dawa Party expressed, today, Sunday, its condemnation and denunciation of the massacre of Al-Mawasi camp in

Khan Yunis, in Gaza.

The media office of the Dawa Party said in a statement that “expressions of denunciation are incapable of condemning the massacre of Al-Mawasi camp in Khan Yunis in occupied Palestine, where horrific scenes of killing and scattered remains fill every street and place.”

It added that “the massacre of the Zionist entity in Al-Mawasi area and its persistence in aggression and criminality confirms once again that the criminal leaders of the entity and its brutal forces do not listen to regional and international reactions and do not respect the positions of international organizations. Likewise, the state that supplies this entity with weapons, including the missiles used in this massacre, bears responsibility for crimes against humanity.”

It continued, “This massacre and the massacres that preceded it reveal the falsity of international slogans about human rights, and t
he emptiness of the Arab and Islamic system and its inability to face the tyranny and madness of the Zionist leaders who find in these cowardly positions an encouragement to commit more atrocities and shed the blood of the innocent.” It asked, “What are the scholars of the nation and its people waiting for? And when will they declare it a cry of truth and a courageous position to stop the shedding of this innocent blood at the hands of the mercenary immigrants from the scum of the earth and the enemies of God and the prophets throughout history.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency