September 24, 2024

The Iraqi Ambassador To Turkey Confirms His Readiness To Appear Before The Judiciary

The Iraqi ambassador to Turkey, Majid Abdul-Ridha Al-Lajmawi, confirmed his readiness to appear before the court.

He said in a statement: “Some media outlets and pages on social networking sites circulated news about my summon by the Integrity Commission against the background of financial inflation of (2,304,787,000) dinars, while I express my astonishment and rejection of the harsh and fierce attack that these media outlets did, trying to jeopardize my reputation and the reputation of my country without regard to any human, ethical and professional standards. In my capacity as an ambassador, I represented Iraq with its history, civilization and political and social system in a number of countries, and without regard to my work in the Turkish Republic and the Iraqi government’s relations with it.

The ambassador clarified some facts for those who seek accuracy and search for honesty, as they are below.


1- I was not previously informed of such inflation by the esteemed Integrity Commission in an official letter, and no letter was directed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before it was published; So that I can provide the necessary evidence to clear my situation of this suspicion.

2- I have previously submitted all detailed and accurate information about my financial situation to the Integrity Commission in all transparency, honesty, and accuracy, without concealing any information for the years (2013, 2014, 2019, 2021, 2023), and I have not been informed of any previous violation by the Commission.

3- The summon request published by the Federal Integrity Commission and circulated by the media is in the investigation stage, and no judicial order was issued in it, and I confirm my full confidence in the integrity and justice of the Iraqi judiciary, and I am ready to appear before the judiciary and provide evidence, and I ask the Prime Minister, Muhammad Al-Sudani, to take legal action, and form a special investigation committee for all dimensions of the case.

4- I attended the Integrity Commission on 1/2/2023 at its request, I provided detailed clarifications and answers to the questions, accompanied by supporting documents.

I reaffirm that I am fully prepared to appear before the investigating judge, to present everything that proves my innocence of the charges brought against me, and to confiscate any sums of money if it is proven by evidence that I did not declare them before the esteemed Integrity Commission.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency