September 21, 2024

The international flotilla of “freedom for Gaza” preparing to depart for Gaza from one of the ports of Istanbul

The supervisors of the international ‘Freedom for Gaza’ flotilla announced the completion of their preparations to begin sailing from one of the ports of Istanbul and head directly to Gaza in order to break the siege imposed on the Strip imposed by the Israeli forces.

The supervisors of the flotilla, who are activists in the humanitarian field from several countries, including Canada, Spain, South Africa, Germany, Norway, Argentina, Malaysia and Turkey, said in press statements today that the flotilla includes three ships that will carry thousands of tons of humanitarian and medical aid to the people of Gaza.

The flotilla supervisors indicated that more than a thousand activists from various countries of the world are expected to participate in the process of breaking the siege on Gaza, and that they will organize political and media activities to expose the criminal policy practiced by the Israeli forces against the Palestinian people.

Former American diplomat Anne Wright, one of the campaign’s supervisor
s, called on the international community in a letter she addressed to awaken conscience to end the series of genocide practiced by the Israeli army against a people whose rights were taken away and to put pressure on Israeli leaders to cease fire.

Regarding what they would do if the flotilla was exposed to an Israeli attack, she said, ‘According to international rules and international human rights in this case, Israel has a long record of crime and committing a mistake again is not a good situation for its security.’

She added that preparations are continuing and public opinion will be provided with information about the flotilla’s departure very soon.

The Marmara ship, which was organized by activists from various countries around the world on May 31, 2010, to break the siege on Gaza, was subjected, after sailing from Turkey across the Mediterranean to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, to an attack by the Israeli naval forces, which resulted in the killing of 10 activists and the wound
ing of more than 50 others.

On Saturday, a Hebrew channel announced training exercises being conducted by the Israeli army in preparation for a possible armed takeover of the ‘Freedom Flotilla’ scheduled to sail from Turkey within days to break the siege on the Gaza Strip.

The private Channel 12 said: ‘Preparations are being made in Israel to confront the sailing of the ‘Freedom Flotilla’ from Turkey to the Gaza Strip, which is scheduled to take place at the beginning of next week, as Israel has implemented a series of political moves with European countries and with American support and has also begun security preparations for the possibility of armed seizure of the ships.

The channel added: ‘The Israeli security system is preparing for the possibility that it will be necessary to stop the flotilla that threatens to break the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency