September 20, 2024

The House of Representatives votes and ends the first reading of four laws

The House of Representatives voted in its third session of its second legislative term for the second legislative year within the fifth electoral session, which was held under the chairmanship of Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of the Council, today, Tuesday, on two laws, and finished the first reading of two draft laws.

At the outset of the session, the parliament voted on the proposed law for the second amendment to the law replacing members of the House of Representatives No. (6) for the year 2006 submitted by the Legal Committee after adding it to the agenda with the approval of the Parliament, which came in application of the provisions of Article (49 / fourth) of the constitution and unifying the provisions of the legal system In coordination with the provisions of Article (14/Third) of the House of Representatives, Provincial and District Council Elections Law No. (12) of 2018, as amended, and in order to ensure that constituencies are not devoid of adequate female representation.

The Council postponed voting on the draft law of the fourth amendment to the Industrial Investment Law for the private and mixed sectors No. (20) of 1998, submitted by the Investment, Development, Economy, Industry and Trade Committees, until the law matures.

The House of Representatives also postponed voting on the legal aid bill submitted by the legal and human rights committees at the request of the concerned committee.

The Council hoped to vote on the draft law ratifying the agreement on encouragement and mutual protection of investments between the governments of Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee.

The Council voted on a draft law to ratify the investment promotion and protection agreement between the governments of Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee, to encourage and protect investment between the two countries.

The Council finished the first reading of the draft law of the second amendment to the Personal Liability Insurance Law for employees of state departments and the public sector No. (47) for the year 1990 submitted by the Legal and Financial Committees, to provide the necessary guarantees to protect public money from damages resulting from corruption and illicit gain cases and to expand the scope of application of the law.

The House of Representatives completed the first reading of the draft law ratifying the agreement to exempt holders of diplomatic and service passports from entry visas between Iraq and the government of Cyprus, submitted by the Foreign Relations, Security and Defense Committees, to develop and strengthen bilateral relations by facilitating travel procedures for holders of diplomatic and service passports between the two countries.

The council decided to adjourn the session to next Thursday./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency