The High-Level Regional Meeting ‘Strengthening Cooperation For Effective National Strategies To Combat Corruption’ Launched In Baghdad

The activities of the high-level regional meeting, held by the Arab Network for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption, were launched in the capital, Baghdad, today, Monday, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, the Regional Center for Arab States of the United Nations Development Programme, the Federal Integrity Commission, and the Korean International Cooperation Agency, in the presence of the Ministers of Education, Immigration and Trade, the President of the Federation of Arab Journalists, Muayyad Al-Lami, representatives of international diplomatic missions, government advisors and parliamentary figures.

The participants represent delegations from 12 Arab countries, including heads and representatives of integrity and anti-corruption bodies and regulatory bodies, and officials in the ministries concerned with health, education, and public transportation, in addition to a number of MPs, experts, academics, and representatives of specialized regional and international organization

The meeting, which will last for three days, aims to facilitate the exchange of expertise and experiences among the participants in order to enrich national anti-corruption strategies in the countries of the region through in-depth sectoral approaches in the fields of health, education and public transport, and expanded regional cooperation on three topics of common priority, namely investigating corruption crimes, cross-border cooperation, enhancing the integrity of public service, and protecting legal texts from the risks of corruption in their formulation.

It is expected that the meeting will conclude with the announcement of the formation of specialized regional working teams in the sectoral fields and thematic priorities mentioned above, in addition to a series of regional recommendations to activate these teams and enable them to support the relevant reform efforts in the Arab region by benefiting from international standards and comparative experiences within the framework of the Arab Network, in
cooperation with the United Nations Development Program and other partners.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency