September 19, 2024

The Defense and Security Council discusses the military and security situation in the Western and Mountain regions.

Tripoli: The Defense and Security Council, headed by the two representatives of the Presidential Council, ‘Musa Al-Koni’ and ‘Abdullah Al-Lafi,’ discussed yesterday, Sunday, the military and security situation in the Western and Mountain regions.

The Presidential Council’s Information and Communication Office said that the meeting included the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, the Minister of Defense, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Muhammad Al-Haddad, the Assistant Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General Salah al-Din al-Namroush, and the head of the General Intelligence Service, Lieutenant-General Hussein al-A’ib. The head of the Internal Security Service, ‘Lotfi Al-Harari,’ and the designated Minister of the Interior, ‘Imad Trabelsi.’

He explained that the meeting was devoted to reviewing the security and military situation in all regions, and the steps taken to establish security there by assigning the Chief of Staff to form a force from some military
units to support the security services in carrying out the tasks assigned to them.

Source: Libyan News Agency