September 20, 2024

The Arabic Language Complex honors one of its figures.

Tripoli: Tomorrow, Saturday, the Planetarium in the capital, Tripoli, will witness the celebration held by the Arabic Language Academy to honor one of the Academy’s notables who made contributions in the field of history and translation from non-Arabic languages, namely Dr. Abdul Karim Abu Shweirb.

The Vice President of the Academy, Dr. Muhammad Mustafa bin Al-Hajj invited many figures and media figures in the field of literature and culture, along with a group of interested people, to attend the Academy’s celebration of one of its members who, over the course of half a century, gave a distinguished contribution in the world of knowledge, medicine, history and translation.

It is noteworthy that Dr. Bushwairb was born in the old city of Tripoli in 1938 . He studied at the Faculty of Medicine in Istanbul, Turkey, and obtained a doctorate in pediatrics from the University of London. He has a collection of medical and documentary publications and historical translations.

Source: Libyan News Agency