The American Embassy calls on Libyan actors to accept Batili’s initiative for dialogue and to make the necessary concessions to achieve progress in the political process.

Tripoli: Today, Sunday, the American Embassy in Libya urged the Libyans to accept the invitation of the UN envoy, Abdullah Batili, to participate in the talks, motivated by good intentions, and calling for ‘making the necessary concessions, even if they are difficult, to reach a consensus.’ and making progress in the political process.

The embassy said in a tweet published today, Monday, on its Twitter account, ‘We congratulate Libya on the occasion of its independence day and extend our best wishes to the Libyan people. Libya has emerged from decades of dictatorship, carrying signs of a bright future that is still possible.’

In its tweet, the embassy expressed the United States’ regret ‘that two years have passed since the postponement of the elections that were scheduled for December 24, 2021,’ adding, ‘We share the Libyan people’s frustration that the main Libyan actors have not yet found a way to meet popular demands and reach a settlement that enables holding free and fair elections that provide the en
tire people with the right to choose their leaders.

The embassy stated that the Libyan people suffered greatly as a result of the devastating floods that struck the east of the country, and the solidarity shown was a clear reminder that the Libyan people remain united.

The embassy concluded by saying, ‘We urge the Libyan leaders to be characterized by a similar unity of purpose and to fulfill their responsibilities towards the Libyan people in order to achieve stability, security, and long-term prosperity.’
Source: Libyan News Agency