September 20, 2024

Stand in solidarity with Palestinians in Irbid organized

Trade unions in Irbid on Saturday organized a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in front of the Trade Unions Complex in the northern city. President of the Irbid branch of the Jordanian Engineers Association (JEA), Jihad Al-Radaida, said that the steadfastness of the Palestinian people on their land is the gateway to liberation to establish the Palestinian state and protect the Islamic and Christian holy sites that are subject to violations and unilateral practices by settlers and extremists under security cover. JEA member, Issam Trad, said that this stand is a message of pride to support the Palestinians and sending a message of support against the Israeli arrogance that attacks the holy sites. Participants in the stand chanted words of support for the right of the Palestinian people to defend their land, identity, and holy sites, calling on the countries of the world to support the rights of the Palestinian people on their land and soil.

Source: Jordan News Agency