September 21, 2024

Sheikh Al-Khazaali identifies the most prominent indications of the American retreat in Iraq

The Secretary-General of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Qais Khazali, identified today, Thursday, the most prominent indications of the American retreat in Iraq.

Khazali said, “The most prominent indications of the American retreat are Iraq’s enactment, through its parliament, of the law criminalizing normalization and the law criminalizing homosexuality, which were the two most important Western American projects that they marketed and made efforts for, and tried in multiple attempts to pave the way for that and normalize it, whether at the level of normalization with the Zionists or cultural normalization to accept deviant ideas that are far from the culture of Iraqi society.”

He added, “These two decisions are a crushing blow to that project and a clear and strong message that the Iraqi people cannot be controlled and their culture and social and ideological identity cannot be erased and distorted.”

He added: We have a clear and accurate reading of the situation in Iraq, and the more accurate the reading is, the m
ore the decision taken will be a correct decision.

He stressed: We do not believe that our presence in the state equation and being part of building the state conflicts at all with our presence in the resistance space.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency