September 21, 2024

Senate president denounces int’l silence over war of genocide against Palestinians

President of the Senate Faisal Fayez condemned the international silence over the war of genocide against the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories, according to a statement on Thursday.

Delivering a speech at the 14th Bosphorus Summit in Istanbul, entitled “The Road to the Next Century: Challenges and Promises,” Fayez said that the region today faces great challenges as the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people continues.

The two-day summit includes specialized topics and working sessions on challenges facing the international community, especially political issues, security, development challenges, knowledge, transformations and global challenges, and brings together a large number of different countries of the world and representatives of many Arab and foreign countries.

The region, Fayez noted, has been deprived of stability and peace for eight decades, due to the failure of the international community to act responsibly towards resolving the Palestinian issue and deal
with the Israeli occupation firmly to force it to implement dozens of United Nations resolutions that Israel ignores.

He stressed that “peace cannot be built in light of an injustice, the main source of which is the Israeli occupation and its oppressive and aggressive practices against the Palestinian people,” noting that His Majesty King Abdullah II has repeatedly warned of the danger that is now unfolding and threatens the region and the entire international community.

He pointed out that the convening of the conference comes as the world is experiencing conflicts, political crises, and civil wars that have led to the killing and displacement of hundreds of thousands, the spread of poverty and unemployment, the decline in economic growth and lack of development, the spread of the forces of terrorism and extremism, the boom in drug trafficking, and the widening of the gap between the countries of the North and South. These challenges include the Coronavirus pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, its effects
on energy and commodity prices, and the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, he added.

Fayez pointed to a number of challenges facing the world, including the spread of arms trade at the expense of development issues in various countries of the world, which has led to more global conflicts, pointing out that the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute revealed that the total arms sales to the largest arms producers in the world reached 592 billion US dollars in 2021

He indicated that “if these amounts were used for development issues and addressing global warming and climate change, today’s world would be different and free of hunger, poverty and conflicts.”

Source: Jordan News Agency