Security services dismantle cars believed to be booby-trapped in Nablus

Nablus together – Last night, the security services dismantled cars believed to be bomb-laden, which were parked on the side of the road near Al-Najah University in Nablus, after citizens reported their presence in the place for several days, and a bag connected to wires was found inside them, which raised suspicions about them.

As a result, an explosives police force went to the place and, after closing the place, pulled the bag from inside the vehicle and detonated it.

Governor Ghassan Daghlas reported that a vehicle suspected of being bomb-laden was found in the academy area, and the vehicle had fake, illegal license plates.

He added that the competent authorities examined the vehicle and found a bag containing wires, which is currently being thoroughly examined by the competent authorities to find out what is in it.

The governor reassured citizens that no explosive materials were found inside the vehicle and the bag, and it is not unlikely that what was inside were ‘scanning’ devices.

Source: Maan N
ews Agency