September 21, 2024

SCC approves draft law establishing Rental Disputes Centre

SHARJAH: The Sharjah Consultative Council (SCC) has approved a draft law for the year 2024 to establish and regulate the Rental Disputes Center in Sharjah, following a series of amendments. The draft law was discussed during the eighth session of the Council on Monday, as part of its work for the first regular session of the eleventh legislative term. The session was presided over by Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, the Chairman of the SCC.

The Council deliberated on the draft Rental Disputes Center Law, along with a report submitted by the Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions, and Complaints Committee. Counselor Dr. Mansour Mohammed bin Nassar, the Head of the Legal Department of the Government of Sharjah; Counselor Mohammed Abdullah Al-Salman, the Legal Advisor to the Department of Municipal Affairs; Hamid Hassan Al Qayed, the Director of the Public Parking Department at Sharjah City Municipality, and Tariq Mohammed Al Zarouni, the Head of the Rental Disputes Resolution Department a
t Sharjah City Municipality, were present during the discussion.

At the beginning of the discussion of the draft law, Ahmed Saeed Al Jarwan, Secretary General of the Council, informed the Council that a letter was received from the General Secretariat of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Sharjah on the eighteenth of March, referring a draft law for the year 2024 regarding the establishment and organisation of the Rental Disputes Center in the Emirate of Sharjah. Under Article (71) of the internal regulations, the Council referred the above-mentioned draft law to the Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Appeals, Suggestions, and Complaints Committee to study it and express its opinion regarding its articles in its seventh session held on Thursday, March 28, 2024.

Dr. Mansour Mohammed bin Nassar delivered a speech in which he commended the role of the Advisory Council of the Emirate of Sharjah in completing the legislative cycle of draft laws by expressing its opinion. He emphasised the significance
of the current draft law, as it was submitted by the Council in 2016 after ten submissions were made by its members requesting a new law to establish a centre for resolving rental disputes to replace the committees. The current draft law is related to real estate legislation in the Emirate of Sharjah, and it is now time to establish a centre as it represents a local judicial system in the Emirate of Sharjah and specialises in examining disputes arising from rental relationships. It is added to the draft real estate leasing law, both of which are the gains of the Emirate of Sharjah, aiming to enhance stability and regulate the relationship between the parties to the relationship, landlord and tenant, as each party guarantees its rights by the laws in force in the city of Sharjah.

Sharjah Municipality emphasised the importance of the draft law in establishing and regulating the Rental Disputes Center, whose establishment promises to make a significant contribution to achieving sustainable development of the re
al estate sector and supporting the economy. The articles regulate the exercise of powers in light of the municipality’s consideration of all opinions and proposals and through the reality of practices to reach a specific formula that touches on the living situation of society and brings together all relevant parties in a law that governs those relationships and guarantees them justice, stability, and speed of litigation.

The Council’s Legislative and Legal Affairs, Suggestions, Appeals, and Complaints Committee members discussed the law’s provisions and its various objectives, which stipulate that the centre is a judicial centre with the legal personality and legal capacity necessary to achieve its objectives and carry out its powers. The centre is affiliated with the Municipality of the city of Sharjah, and it aims to develop and legislate procedures for adjudicating rental disputes to achieve timely justice and quality rulings in all stages of litigation at the centre.

In conclusion, the Sharjah Consulta
tive Council has taken a significant step towards establishing and regulating the Rental Disputes Center in Sharjah by approving the draft law for the year 2024. The centre promises to make a considerable contribution to achieving sustainable development of the real estate sector and supporting the economy. It will regulate the relationship between landlord and tenant and guarantee them justice, stability, and speed of litigation.

Source: Emirates News Agency