September 22, 2024

RCJA highlights role of Hashemite custodianship to defend Jerusalem

Amman: Secretary General of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs (RCJA), Abdullah Kanaan, affirmed that Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites protects its holiness and its Arab and Islamic identity.

During a lecture at National Islamic Party Tuesday, Kanaan said Jordan played its role in defending and protecting Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites, consolidating Jerusalem’s Arab identity and its people, and strengthening their steadfastness on their land.

Kanaan also noted this effort is achieved by multiple “practical” tasks and positions, represented by the reconstruction and maintenance of Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites and sponsoring education as about 50 schools are affiliated with Jordan-run Jerusalem Endowment Department.

Additionally, he said Jordan’s strength and resilience represents strength to support Arab and Islamic rights in occupied Palestine and “strongly” backs Palestinian people in their resistance to face the Israeli occupa
tion and its practices and restore their right to establish their state on their land.

Source: Jordan News Agency