Aqaba: Princess Basma bint Talal Wednesday sponsored the opening of the “Jhud Al Ayadi” exhibition and the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Princess Basma Centre for Development in Aqaba and the Aqaba Governorate Council.
During the signing of the agreement, Princess Basma stressed the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (Juhd) seeks to contribute to meeting the aspirations and needs of local communities in line with the visions and aspirations of His Majesty King Abdullah II towards achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.
She said the partnership with the Aqaba Governorate Council is “added to a series of partnerships between Juhd and national institutions in the public and private sectors.”
She added the partnership’s objectives focus on contributing to community development and improving the living and economic conditions of families, individuals and society in general.
She noted the tourism and economic importance of Aqaba and the support it enjoys from His Majest
y the King to enhance its role in supporting the national economy.
Source: Jordan News Agency