September 19, 2024

Prince Mired, EU Ambassador discuss social protection for people with disabilities

Prince Mired bin Ra’ad, the Secretary-General of the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (HCD), has held a meeting with Maria Hadjitheodosiou, the Ambassador of the European Union to Jordan, to discuss social protection for people with disabilities. During the meeting, Prince Mired expressed HCD’s profound gratitude for the invaluable support provided by the European Union in bolstering and fortifying the social protection framework for individuals with disabilities in the Kingdom. He underscored that the issue of social protection for persons with disabilities is of paramount importance to the HCD, as it directly impacts the promotion of their independent living through the development of inclusive day services. Furthermore, Prince Mired commended Ambassador Hadjitheodosiou for her instrumental efforts in supporting the joint institutional framework governing the social protection sector. He also highlighted the pivotal role played by the Ministry of Social Development in coordinating the implementation of the National Social Protection Strategy, and its contributions to supporting healthcare insurance and economic empowerment for beneficiaries of the National Aid Fund, in collaboration with the Ministries of Health and Labor. He further recognized the ministry’s commitment to facilitating the transition from a residential care system to an integrated day services model for individuals with disabilities. In response, Ambassador Hadjitheodosiou expressed her admiration for the Council’s key role in providing technical support to various institutions, enabling them to effectively fulfill their responsibilities in the field of disability. She also commended the Council’s tireless efforts in raising awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities and promoting their seamless integration into society. Prince Mired presented Ambassador Hadjitheodosiou with the Council’s esteemed shield, as a gesture of appreciation for her outstanding contributions to the advancement and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities.

Source: Jordan News Agency