September 20, 2024

Press release issued by the 112th meeting of the Council of Ministers of (OAPEC) (at the delegate level)

The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) held today its 112th meeting at the level of delegates of the Energy and Oil Ministers of the member states in Kuwait City, headed by Sheikh Meshal bin Jabr Al Thani, the representative of the State of Qatar in the Executive Office of the organization, which His country will chair the session in 2024.

The Ministry of Oil stated in a statement, “The members of the Council then discussed the items on the agenda, including the item approving the final accounts of the organization (the General Secretariat and the Judicial Authority) for the year 2023, and the Council issued its Resolution No. 1/112 regarding the approval of those final accounts.”

The meeting was briefed on the progress made in the project to develop and restructure the organization’s work, while developing its activities and reconsidering the systems and laws that govern its work, in a way that is compatible with the challenges and new developments in the
field of energy. The Council recommended to the General Secretariat the importance of intensifying efforts and cooperating with the consultant in order to complete the study, preparing complete visions of the strategic objectives and completing them according to the specified timetable.’

The Council also reviewed the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the General Secretariat, which included following up on global oil conditions, following up on environmental and climate change affairs, the progress of work in the Information Bank, and the activities organized by the General Secretariat and in which it participated, and recommended the importance of continuing such activities and working to intensify them with regard to the item related to the OAPEC Award for Scientific Research for the year 2024, the field related to ‘new and renewable energy’ was chosen as an area for submitting research to obtain this award.

The Ministerial Council “adopted all the recommendations issued by the Executive
Office regarding the items presented and urged the General Secretariat to work on putting them into actual implementation. The Council concluded its meeting by expressing its thanks and appreciation once again to the General Secretariat of the organization and to the State of Kuwait for their efforts to hold and succeed this meeting, wishing everyone more effort and giving in order to achieve the goals entrusted to the organization.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency