September 20, 2024

Political, Parliamentary Affairs Minister meets group of political parties

Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Wajih Azaizeh, said that the government stands equidistantly between all political parties, and adheres to the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah to never back down from the reform tracks. Speaking to a meeting with political parties secretaries-general and representatives on Saturday at the ministry, Azaizeh said the government has committed itself to the accomplishments of the Royal Committee to Modernise the Political System by sending it as reported by the Committee and these constitutional and legislative amendments were also accomplished by the legislative authority, with some amendments. He pointed out that His Majesty the King emphasized the importance of the three political, economic and administrative reform tracks, and that there would be no backing down from that, and the meetings and follow-up of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, to accomplish the reform tracks. Aziza stated that this meeting was held after several parties have announced that they’ve rectified their status, in order to ensure permanent dialogue and consultation with the various parties, noting that one of the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs’ tasks is to encourage political action. In turn, parties secretaries general showcased a number of observations related to partisan work, which the government, represented by the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, must take into account and address in order to encourage partisan work and push citizens to join parties.

Source: Jordan News Agency