September 20, 2024

PM Inaugurates Key Salt-Al-Arda Road Project

Salt: Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh inaugurated the completed Salt-Al-Arda road rehabilitation project on Monday, marking a significant milestone in the infrastructure development of Balqa Governorate.

The upgrade, which extends from the Al-Subaihi Intersection to the Al-Arda Intersection, enhances connectivity between key regions, including the Dead Sea tourist areas, the agricultural lands of the Jordan Valley, and the capital, Amman.

During the ceremony, Prime Minister Khasawneh underscored the road’s economic importance, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering tourism and agriculture.

He also called for the completion of the road’s lighting within two months, stressing the need to meet public safety standards and ensure the road’s upkeep to maintain its critical status.

Commending the Ministry of Public Works and Housing and all those involved in the project for their efficient execution ahead of schedule, Khasawneh received a detailed briefing from Minister of Public Works and Housing Maher Abu A
l-Saman on the project’s stages and essential requirements.

As part of the inauguration, the Prime Minister toured the road to inspect the improvements and rehabilitation work.

The Salt-Al-Arda road, strategically located between the Salt highlands and the Jordan Valley lowlands, is a flagship project executed by a consortium of Jordanian and Chinese contractors at a cost of approximately JD26 million.

This project is poised to become a crucial hub for trade and tourism, enhancing connectivity and economic activity by linking Amman with the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley regions.

The rehabilitation aims to facilitate commuter movement, improve traffic safety, and reduce the previously high incidence of traffic accidents in the area.

The project featured the construction of four lanes separated by concrete barriers, spanning a total width of 18.8 meters and a length of 12.5 kilometers.

It includes extensive earthworks to achieve the necessary widths and foundation levels, laying road layers with brush and as
phalt mixtures, implementing rainwater drainage systems, and constructing 5 kilometers of retaining walls.

Additional components include lighting, side protection works, and the installation of traffic safety elements and guidance and warning signs.

The opening ceremony saw the attendance of notable figures, including the Chinese Ambassador in Amman, Chen Chuandong, and the Governor of Balqa, Firas Abu Qaoud, highlighting the collaborative effort and international partnership involved in this significant infrastructure endeavor.

Source: Jordan News Agency