September 21, 2024

PM Chairs A Meeting To Discuss The Comprehensive Vision Initiative For The Development Of The Agricultural Sector

Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to discuss the comprehensive vision initiative for the development of the agricultural sector.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated: “Today, Sunday, Al-Sudani chaired a meeting to discuss the (comprehensive vision for the development of the agricultural sector) initiative, which aims to develop a comprehensive development and vision for the agricultural sector in Iraq, in the presence of the Supreme Committee for Agricultural Development in Iraq, which includes the advisory board in Office of the Prime Minister, representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources, Planning, and Finance, the Central Bank of Iraq, the Agricultural Engineers Association, the Veterinary Doctors Association, and agricultural associations.

During the meeting, Al-Sudani appreciated the efforts made by the members of the committee to formulate the initiative, stressing the importance of the initiative taking into account the reforms that the government aspires to in the agricultural sector, which are represented by strategic structural reforms and immediate reforms that take into account the current challenges, such as the water crisis and unemployment, and the challenge of global food security .

The Prime Minister stressed the need for the initiative to create job opportunities for graduates of agricultural and veterinary colleges and other specializations, and for the initiative to be applicable and not intersect with the plans of the ministries, and to cover all agricultural sectors, including livestock.

It is noteworthy that the new initiative reflects the government’s reform approach, as it will work to restructure support for the agricultural sector, by subsidizing inputs with supplies, vaccines, pesticides, and fertilizers, or subsidizing outputs by setting final prices for receiving crops such as wheat, barley, and others.

The initiative, which focuses on the development of the agricultural sector, will reconsider the issue of agricultural land management, and the establishment of a fund for agricultural development in Iraq will emerge from it, due to the need for a sustainable specialized fund that guarantees continued funding and support for agricultural projects, through a specific mechanism./ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency