September 20, 2024

PM attends World Economic Forum in Davos, meets with political, economic, corporate leadersThe High Electoral Commission launches awareness campaigns as part of the activities of electoral awareness ambassadors.Egyptian families enrolled in monetary subsidies programme rise by 200%

Davos: Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh met with political and economic leaders, chairmen of major international institutions’ boards of directors, businessmen, and regional and international organizations on Tuesday as part of his participation in the World Economic Forum “Davos” 2024, which is currently being held in Davos, Switzerland.

The Prime Minister met with the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to discuss the war against Gaza.

Khasawneh briefed the UN Secretary-General on His Majesty King Abdullah’s tireless efforts to ensure that the aggression against Gaza ceases, that the circle of conflict does not expand in the region, and that urgent aid is delivered to the brothers in the Gaza Strip in a sustainable manner.

The Prime Minister and Guterres emphasized the importance of an immediate ceasefire and the timely and sustained delivery of humanitarian and medical aid.

In light of the Gaza Strip’s tough circumstances, Khasawneh underlined the UN and its agencies’ critical role in humanitarian a
ssistance response and aid delivery.

The Prime Minister reiterated Jordan’s refusal to create conditions that would lead to Palestinians being forced to leave the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, as well as settlement violence in the West Bank. He also emphasized Jordan’s opposition to any attempts to partition Gaza and the West Bank, as they constitute one geographical area and form the foundation of a single Palestinian state.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed the importance of fulfilling legitimate Palestinian national rights, the most important of which is the establishment of an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state along the June 4 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, within the framework of the two-state solution, and stated that this is the only way to achieve regional peace and stability.

The UN Secretary-General praised His Majesty King Abdullah’s efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region, citing the international community’s respect and appreciation for Jordan under His Maj
esty the King’s leadership, and that the UN looks forward to continuing to work with Jordan to achieve these valued efforts.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Tripoli: Today, Tuesday, the High National Elections Commission launched awareness campaigns for citizens organized by female electoral awareness ambassadors, under the supervision of the Women’s Support Unit, within the municipalities targeted for electing their councils during the year 2024.

The Commission’s media office stated that the campaigns target citizens of all segments to make them aware of the importance of linking the phone number to the national number in preparation for registration in the voter registry soon.

The targeted municipalities witnessed many activities and events organized by the female ambassadors, including field tours, lectures, dialogue sessions, and interviews on local radio.

According to the media office, the ambassadors provided explanations about the importance of linking the phone number to the national number in preparation for the registration process in the voter registry, how to verify the linking process, and information about the registration process and the distrib
ution of seats in the targeted municipalities.

The office explained that the female ambassadors received a series of training under the supervision of the Women’s Support Unit on how to design electoral awareness campaigns and communicate with the target audience to enhance participation in the elections.

It is noteworthy that the Awareness Ambassadors Project is a program launched by the Women’s Support Unit of the Commission since 2019, which aims to highly train a number of women to participate in electoral awareness programmes. The participation of the female ambassadors was effective and influential and contributed to raising the levels of registration in the voter registry during the year 2021.

Source: Libyan News Agency

The Ministry of Social Solidarity indicated in a report Tuesday that the number of families enrolled in the monetary subsidies programme “Takeful w Karama” had risen by 200 percent from 1.79 million in FY2014/15 to 5.2 million in FY2023/24.

During the same period, the budget allocated to the programme increased by 960 percent from LE3.4 billion to LE36 billion. It is noted that the state treasury provides subsidies to 4.7 million families, while 500,000 families receive assistance from NGOs. The 5.2 million families consist of a total of 22 million individuals approximately.

Minister of Social Solidarity Nevine al-Qabaj highlighted in June that Egypt’s expenditure on social care, protection and development rose to 9.5 percent of the GDP in 2022.

The allocations went to the monetary subsidies programme Takaful w Karama having as beneficiaries families living below the poverty line and other vulnerable groups; launching the National Programme for the Egyptian Family Development; Egyptian Family Insurance Fu
nd; marriage awareness programme “Mawada;” Positive Parenting Programme targeted at beneficiaries of Takaful w Karama; economic empowerment through microfinancing; increasing the number of centers hosting abused women; rehabilitation and integration of the disabled; raising pensions and providing care to the elderly; doubling compensations disbursed to martyrs families and the injured; and “Awareness” programme aimed at the eradication of child abuse, women abuse, female genital mutilation (FGM), early marriage, and human trafficking along with toughening the penalties pertaining to such crimes.

Source: Yemen News Agency