September 17, 2024

Partnership council formed to streamline trade flow at Jordan-Syrian borders

Syndicate of Owners of Clearance and Cargo Transport Companies and Joint Syrian-Jordanian Free Zone agreed to form a partnership council, comprised of of the zone’s various concerned bodies and departments. The syndicate’s head, Dhaifallah Abu Aqoula, said the council aims to work collectively to facilitate and streamline procedures and attract new investors to the zone. In a statement on Thursday, he said the agreement came following the syndicate’s meeting with the zone’s Director General, Irfan Khasawneh. The meeting, he noted, discussed multiple procedures aimed to accelerating flow of goods in an “easy and flexible” manner without delay. Abu Aqoula lauded “remarkable” partnership and coordination with official authorities operating within the zone, which reflected “positively” on the easier flow of goods without any obstacles. During the meeting, he noted ways to facilitate and develop trade between Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and the Arab Gulf countries were tackled. In this regard, he said discussions also went over possibility of increasing volume of work, referring to stakeholders’ technical proposals to achieve this goal. To date, he announced a total of 140 investment contracts were registered in the zone for various commercial, industrial, service sectors and auto showrooms, while the number of clearance companies currently operating there stood at 15 out of 27 licensed firms.

Source: Jordan News Agency