September 19, 2024

Parliamentary Finance Committee: We approved the budget schedules as received from the government, except for the governorate allocations

The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the schedules of the general budget law will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached in the House of Representatives session scheduled to be held this evening, Monday.

The Vice Chairman of the Committee, Ahmed Mazhar al-Jubouri, stated in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that ‘the Parliamentary Finance Committee met yesterday in the presence of most of its 17 members representing the ‘Taqadum, Azm, Siyada, Kurdish blocs, and representatives of the coordination framework for the Asaib, Badr, and Sanad, 2 in Hajj, and the rest did not come.”

He explained, ‘The committee voted absolutely on the general budget schedules after adding 2 trillion dinars to the governorates to be distributed according to population.’

He added, ‘The schedules have been completed and we have submitted the final version to the Presidency of the House of Representatives for a vote on it in today’s session, Monday,’ noting that ‘Article 77 of the General Budget Law
stipulates that the House of Representatives only approves the schedules, and there is no so-called technical report for the committee on the general budget schedules, other than a novelty.”

He continued to say, ‘The parliamentary committee, in agreement with the government, obligated the government to transfer an amount of two trillion dinars, and it is the one that determines the doors for the transfer ‘the government’ and after the allocations to the governorates were 1.5 trillion dinars now, it has become 3.5 trillion dinars, which will be distributed according to the population proportions of the governorates.’

He continued: “We voted on the schedules as sent by the government. We only addressed the problem of governorate allocations, but the rest of the paragraphs proceeded as they were received from the government.”

Al-Jubouri confirmed, ‘The Finance Committee has completed its work technically, and will present the budget tables to the House of Representatives to vote on them or not,’ noting that ‘
the budget schedules will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached within the House of Representatives session, and there is no new meeting of the committee related to voting on the budget schedules.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency