Palestinian Pres. Advisor: Peace Summit aims to stopping Israeli aggression

By Abdulaziz Faisal CAIRO, Advisor to the Palestinian President Dr. Mahmoud Al-Habbash confirmed Saturday that participation in the Peace Summit in Cairo will be based on stopping the Israeli aggression, providing all basic needs, and eliminating and ending the causes of the conflict.

In a statement to KUNA, Al-Habbash underlined the importance of this summit, which Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi called for, to contain the military escalation launched by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip and bring in humanitarian aid.

In this context, Al-Habbash appreciated the Egyptian efforts made to bring humanitarian needs and aid to Gaza.

Regarding the participation of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the summit, Al-Habbash said that it would be based on three priorities, the first of which is stopping the aggression, massacre and war of extermination launched by the occupying state against the Palestinian people.

The continuation of this escalation aims to force the Palestinian people to accept dictates aimed at displacing the Palestinians from their state, he said, noting that it is a large and dangerous scheme that targets not only the Palestinians, but Arab and neighboring countries, especially Egypt and Jordan.

Regarding the second priority, Al-Habbash said that it will be about providing all basic needs, including water, food, medicine, electricity and fuel, to the people suffering in Gaza, in addition to stopping the aggression, referring to the efforts that have been made and are still being made, especially with Egypt around the Rafah crossing, which has now become the only port for bringing aid into Gaza.

As for the third priority, Al-Habbash underscored that it will also focus on removing and ending all causes of the conflict that is renewed violently and perhaps daily, not only in Gaza, but also in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and that all of this is mainly caused by the Israeli occupation, saying that if it were not for the occupation, there would be no resistance or confrontations with the Israelis.

Regarding the Palestinian side’s vision for ending this conflict, he stressed they have accepted the resolutions of international legitimacy, the Arab Peace Initiative, which passed 21 years ago, and the two-state solution, but to no avail. They are forced to live with Israeli dictates, the basis of which is the continuation of the occupation.

He underlined that there will be no peace, security, or stability, and they will not accept to live forever under occupation or accept displacement from their land.

Al-Habbash called for freedom for the Palestinian people in accordance with international legitimacy as a way out to end the state of violence in the region.

He underscored that the continuation of this conflict threatens to expand its area to other regions, and the entire world will pay the price for this, indicating that this conflict is the result of the world’s inability to implement the resolutions of international legitimacy that it has approved. (end)

Source: Kuwait News Agency