The House of Representatives begins the procedures for electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives

The House of Representatives has now begun the procedures for electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in the presence of 258 MPs.

The list of the candidates for the presidency of the Council included

– MP, Salem Al-Issawi

– MP, Talal …

The House of Representatives begins the procedures for electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives Read More

Legal expert: Prolonging and delaying the sessions for electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives violates the constitution, the bylaws, the law on replacing members, and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court

Legal expert Counselor Salem Hawass announced today, Saturday, that the prolongation and delay in the election sessions for the Speaker of the House of Representatives violates the constitution, the bylaws, the law on replacing members, and the decisi…

Legal expert: Prolonging and delaying the sessions for electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives violates the constitution, the bylaws, the law on replacing members, and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court Read More

Parliamentary division in voting for candidates for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives

The corridors of the House of Representatives witnessed a clear parliamentary division regarding voting for the candidates for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, “Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani / Salem Al-Issawi,” while voting procedures …

Parliamentary division in voting for candidates for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives Read More