September 20, 2024

NSCP demands to reduce some vegetables’ exports

Amman: National Society of Consumer Protection (NSCP) called for reducing exports of some vegetable crops to cover the local market’s need, especially since their prices began to rise recently.

In a statement Sunday, NSCP president, Dr. Mohammad Obeidat, said the society received multiple complaints from citizens on the high prices of some vegetable varieties, primarily tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, and green peppers of all kinds, triggered by export operations during the last period.

Obeidat added that these crops are needed to cover the local market’s consumption, especially since families need them as basic commodities on a daily basis.

He called for intensifying monitoring campaigns on sales that are executed via unofficial means, which thus inflict financial losses on the state Treasury by paying due fees to other non-eligible parties.

Additionally, he said these illegal operations will also increase cost that will negatively the end price on citizens, who suffer difficult circumstances.

called on citizens to lower vegetable purchases, which cannot be stored for long periods, adding that buying large quantities will increase their prices locally.

Source: Jordan News Agency