North Korea’s Defense Minister warns the United States against using nuclear weapons against his country

North Korea’s Defense Minister Kang Sun Nam said that the United States will not remain “safe and sound” if it uses nuclear weapons against his country, but will face an unprecedented crisis.

“The fierce hostile intentions of hostile forces are more evident than ever,” the Minister added, in a speech delivered during a ceremonial presentation, and the United States, with its followers in the so-called “Republic of Korea,” is trying to launch a nuclear war against his country.

The Minister noted that the United States is trying to create an “aggressive military bloc” with the participation of South Korea and Japan, in order to target independent countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including North Korea.

He noted that Washington is openly “dragging” NATO forces into the Korean Peninsula, thus threatening the security of not only North Korea, but also neighboring countries.

Ehe North Korean Minister continued: “The Americans have no reason to believe that they will remain unharmed after using nuclear weapons against us. If the United States tries to use its forces against us, it will inevitably face a crisis that it has never been exposed to, and that it cannot even think about.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency